Friday, May 1, 2015

SVN insisting everything out of date after a github pull request?

Github is awesome, but it's still git underneath.  Some of us (okay, probably just me) prefer to stick to the Subversion interface.  Subversion has a lot more tools that just work - and git is grumpy about cross-platform stuff, which is most of what I do.

Or maybe I'm just an angry old man yelling at the source control of the future to get off my lawn.  Either way.  Get off my damn lawn and take your pulls, pushes, and clones with you.

From the main web interface, once you accept a pull request and merge it - the Subversion clients won't ever get the updates.  You can check out all day - but the files won't show, and if you try to check in you'll get:

svn: E160024: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: E160024: File 'foo/bar/baz.controller.js' is out of date; try updating
svn: E160024: resource out of date; try updating

This is because the main branch/trunk has been swapped and a new one created in the background.  The clients are still locked into the 'old' snapshot.  From everyone that uses Subversion needs to 'switch' to the current real snapshot by doing a switch to the original checkout location.

svn sw

Then a checkout will see the changes.   Just voodoo - but something I didn't know and couldn't find on the web.

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